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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

OGDEN RISING: Some Fixed Up, Some Knocked Down

In the heart of downtown Ogden there is a curious scene of activity going on.

Recently, this old commercial building, which has sat in a state of disrepair for decades, has been given a new lease on life.  It is located on the 24th block of Grant Ave. just north of Historic 25th Street.  The work on the front of the building is impressive.

Meanwhile, the property next door is experiencing a different fate.

This property is a good example of what happens when deferred maintenance is deferred too long.  The roof on this building collapsed a couple of years ago.  Rather than repairing it, the owner let it sit.  Water problems began to erode away at the structural supports of the building and this began to affect other attached structures on the street.  The building is being disassembled and in its place will be a vacant lot.

It is sad to see this building go and I wish the owner had the resources to prevent this unnecessary fate.  Nevertheless, its removal will make way for new construction opportunities.

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