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Monday, May 25, 2015

Things To Do In Ogden: Hiking the Wheeler and Icebox Canyon Loop

Sometimes, it pays to be a tourist in your own town.  There is an old saying that local folks often under appreciate their own local attractions.  So, to defy this truism, I thought I would take two of my favorite hiking buddies out to explore some trails I haven't had an opportunity to hike.

My miniature hiking buddies, my two youngest daughters, accompanied me on the adventure to hike Wheeler and Icebox Canyons.

Our hike began at the Wheeler Canyon trailhead at the base of the Pineview Reservoir Dam. The weather was threatening but was perfect for our purposes.  

The recent rain made the vegetation extremely green.  

The trail to the Art Nord trailhead junction is approximately 1.8 miles from the Ogden Canyon trailhead at the base of the dam.  

Glimpses of Mount Ogden are visible from the Wheeler Canyon portion of the trail.  

Rain did moisten a small portion or our trip.  

Once we reached the Art Nord trailhead we took a brief break and then began heading west on a trail that parallels the old road to Snow Basin.  

Unfortunately, the soil on this leg of the trail was clay instead of sand.  The girls were apprehensive at first.  But, after slipping and falling in the mud, they had no other option than to enjoy stomping through the gooey mess.  The trail was like this for about a mile.  

The wildflowers were in full bloom and made great picking for the girls.

Despite the mud, we were rewarded with some great views.

This connecting section of trail ascended to a trailhead off the Old Snow Basin Road halfway between the junction to Icebox Canyon. After this trailhead, the trail descends significantly.  At this time though, the road is closed for construction.  

Any yes, there was more mud...

After a mile or so of hiking west from the Art Nord trailhead, we reach the Icebox Canyon junction.  

The trail hugs closely to the creek and the canyon is narrow.  On this trip, the creek was brimming with water. 

The scenery and seclusion were great.  

Ultimately the trail descends to the junction of Wheeler and Icebox Canyons.  Here is where the two creeks meet on their way to the Ogden River.

The junction is clearly marked from the Wheeler Canyon trail.

The complete trip is approxomately five miles.

The next time you are looking for some outdoor adventure, head up Ogden Canyon and be sure to check out Wheeler and Icebox Canyons.  

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