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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Skin and Bones: Realtor Sales Update

I called the Northern Wasatch Association of Realtors to get the latest figures on membership. After running those figures against sales volume for the past year we can finally update our chart cheerfully titled The Weber County Starv-O-Meter.

Before I post the chart, here is a picture from an NWAOR Luncheon of the near future:

Hey guys!  Where are your Realtor lapel pins?

Perhaps I am being a bit too sarcastic.  Perhaps not. Either way, the habitability of the marketplace for Realtors has not improved much.  Last year, I talked about a coming mass exodus of Realtors out of the business.  That event has not manifested itself yet.   I guess we are a stubborn bunch.  Time will tell what happens.  For today, lets take a look at how adverse conditions really are:

As you can see, there are, on average, just under three sales per agent per year in Weber County right now.  These are very adverse conditions.  Here is our agent count chart:


It appears that the agent numbers have not dropped off as dramatically as you might expect.  Perhaps the trend will continue down for a few years until equilibrium is reached.  If so, expect more complaining by agents and shoe leather soup at the NWAOR Luncheons. Yummy!

1 comment:

  1. Great observations Jeremy. Funny article! I liked it. Keep up the great work!


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