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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Surprise! Downtown Streetcar Shocker

Today's Standard Examiner has some exciting news about newly-discovered possible source of federal funding for a proposed streetcar system in the Downtown section of Ogden. 

The route would take the trolley through the commercial section of Ogden:

The proposed route would begin at the Intermodal Hub at 23rd Street and Wall Avenue   . It would then run up 23rd Street to Lincoln Avenue, along 25th Street to Washington Boulevard and then back along 20th Street, said Godfrey.    It would take about 12 minutes to complete the entire route. The system would be served by vintage streetcars that would run on biodiesel fuel similar to those that are successfully being used in Savannah, Ga., Godfrey said.
I looked at a map and here is what I believe the proposed route looks like:

Lets keep our fingers crossed that we get the grant and this thing is built in the next four years.  Great news!

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