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Monday, August 18, 2008

Birds Eye View

I went for a hike with a good friend Saturday. We hiked the Ridgeline Trail up to Lewis Peak. We were greeted on the trail by a stiff 35mph wind and temperatures in the 50's. The pictures today come to you at the cost of sore calves, achy feet, and burning quads. It was a great hike.

Here is our first photo:

Click to enlarge. This gives some great perspective on some of the prominent buildings that are in Ogden. You really get a feel for the massive scope of the AmeriCan Building which holds the AmeriSport Company HQ. The river project land next to it is bare and ready for developement. You can see the large construction project being carried out by the church on the lot next to the temple and tabernacle. This large project is going to be an upscale apartment complex like the ones that currently sit to the west of the Temple. They will be very nice with top rents for the market. You can also see the IRS buildings from the previous post. This is just a great photo to see what is going on.

In the other direction I captured this interesting photo:

This is North Ogden. What grabbed my eye was a the huge scars in the dirt north of town. It looks like a developer has been pushing dirt on a new HUGE subdivision. You can see this scar on the mountain from the valley. Only 3 more subdivisions of this size are able to be built before North Ogden is built out. Interestingly, there doesn't appear to be any work going on. I am sure the developer has been sucked into the vortex of the credit storm like most homebuilders. From the size of it, I believe this development exceeds $100M in scope. Lets see what happens. It may take 5-7 years for a project this large to be finished.

Here is a photo of the author (right) and his good friend Ken Coman (left) atop Lewis Peak...Mt. Ogden is in the background:

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