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Friday, August 15, 2008

Ogden City Recruiting More IRS Jobs to Downtown

It was also reported today that the City is hoping to lure more IRS jobs to the downtown area. The report indicates that the city has identified space in the area of 23rd and Lincoln Ave. as a possible target area for IRS expansion. The proposal would be to bring about 1,000 jobs downtown. I cruised down to take a look at the area and I was a little baffled as to where they new offices would be. The northwest corner is already IRS buildings and parking.

Unless they build a parking garage on this site, I don't see how they are going to fit any more office space on this block.

The north east corner is Teleperformance or the old AOL Building. That's a viable business so unless they are planning on relocating, I don't know if that is a great option. I am unsure its ready for re-development.

The southeast corner is Lindquist Field. They aren't touching that for obvious reasons. Our last consideration is the southwest corner. There is a vacant lot bounded by barbed wire. There is also a very unassuming looking one-story building. It is next to Decente's building which happens to also be by the redeveloped American Food Stores building occupied by the IRS . I am unsure what this unmarked business is since I could not see any clear signs. However, this does look like a reasonable location for redevelopment.

One concern I have about this is that such a heavy load of jobs in Ogden would be government related. In the past, the railroad was the major employer in the town. When that passed into economic history so did the town. Heavily betting on one sector to support the local economy tends to promote boom-bust cycles. My understanding is that the jobs are already here in the area and that they would simply be moving from one part of town to another. In this case, that may be ok. I am all for the city's efforts to bring more jobs closer to the urban core.


  1. I understand that Curt Geiger within the last year or so acquired the building in the picture. The building that Descente is now using as a wharehouse. The city of Ogden not 6 months ago, puchased the vacant land next door. Now the talk of relocating IRS to this location (talk the IRS knows nothing about). As you point out the IRS is already here and if they leave their currnt spot for this new developed spot will we not have just acquired another empty build in Ogden? Don't you think we would be better served by bring in a company from outside the Ogden area to fill that spot if it is to be developed? Do you think our current mayor is trying to help out his buddy next door turn a quick buck and if not what do you think he is doing?

  2. That is interesting. However, given the small size of either lot or even both of them combined, it would take a HUGE (read: insurmountable 30 stories tall) project to put 1000 people there. Its unlikely also since there is no more parking available. If the IRS has no clue, and more importantly, no demand, for this kind of space, I see little if anything happening. Probably the best thing is for one of us to buy both spaces and put something worthwhile there. Its a great location next to FrontRunner. The problem is that there is soooo much office space available that I don't see much use for further office development until the economy starts expanding again. You are right on the fact that we need to recruit new businesses to the city. I would be happy to steal some from SLC or Logan or Vegas or wherever so fill the existing space. Nothing but good can come from it. We are certainly affordable. We just need to sell it to the marketplace of businesses so they know it too.


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